What If Your Autoimmune Condition Isn't Your Body Failing You... But Your Body Trying to Protect You?

Release Trauma to Reverse Your Autoimmune

A 12 week group healing program to

Release trauma that's keeping you sick

Reprogram your subconscious

Realign your energetic body

so that you can finally start to Reverse autoimmune symptoms without medication.

Are You Ready To:

  • Wake up feeling energized, vibrant, and clear-minded without needing to take a nap.
  • Wave goodbye to flare-ups, constant exhaustion, and feeling misunderstood because no one can "see" your pain.
  • Unlock deep inner healing and finally be able to prove to yourself what you've known all along, you can heal!
  • Finally understand how emotional trauma, whether from childhood, a bad relationship, or even medical trauma could be at the root of your autoimmune symptoms
Lyn energized and playing with her dog
stephanie testamonial

The fact that you're here means that your nervous system is probably stuck in fight-or-flight from some unresolved trauma, presenting itself as an autoimmune condition and you're ready to finally release that.

Raise Your Hand If You're Feeling....

  • Constantly exhausted, no matter how much you rest.
  • Stuck in a cycle of flare-ups, brain fog, and pain.
  • Overwhelmed by restrictive diets and treatments that don't work.
  • Like no one understands how debilitating this is.

I believe that just because your doctor gave you a "lifetime diagnosis" doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your life suffering.

woman who is stressed

Here’s the Truth...

The problem isn’t your body failing you.

What’s really happening is that unresolved trauma is stored in your nervous system, subconscious mind, and energetic body.

This trauma keeps your body in a constant state of fight-or-flight, leading to chronic inflammation, autoimmune symptoms, and the pain you’re feeling.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

Imagine This...

What if you could...

  • Wake up energized, with no pain or fatigue.
  • Feel at peace in your body, finally trusting it to heal.
  • Have the energy and freedom to enjoy your life again
  • Have a variety of ways to release stuck emotion and trauma from the body once and for all. 

I believe that just because your doctor gave you a "lifetime diagnosis" doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your life suffering with autoimmune symptoms.

I understand that the mainstream medical system might leave you feeling less than hopeful about the possibilities of getting your life back after an autoimmune diagnosis.

But you probably already know that your body is an amazing self-healing vehicle.

Reversing autoimmune isn't about finding the right medications, supplements, protocols, or diets to "fix" you. You have probably already tried those things.

It's about releasing the trauma stuck in your nervous system, reprogramming your beliefs, and realigning your energetic body.

Because this is all at the root cause of why your physical body's expressing an autoimmune condition. 

But the role of trauma in why you got sick isn't something any doctor will ever talk to you about.

If you find yourself here, you've probably experienced some level of trauma, whether that is as a little child, you developed a deep belief of abandonment or fear of rejection all the way up to sexual assault or domestic violence.

And here is why you still have autoimmune symptoms.

Because even though you think logically you have addressed these issues, your body, your brain, and your nervous system keep the score.

It's kind of like, your cell phone memory running in the background, keeping track of all of your pictures, apps, and even your conversations, or the things you search online, which impacts what ads you see.

So when you are able to release the trauma from your nervous system, reprogram the deep-seated beliefs about healing, and work with your energetic body, you can reverse your autoimmune conditions.

I've already helped hundreds of other women reverse autoimmune symptoms.

And now, for the first time ever, I've created a space for you to learn the techniques for you to reverse your autoimmune conditions.

Introducing the Release Trauma to Reverse Autoimmune Program

My Resilient Autoimmune Resolution Method is comprised of:

  1. Releasing the Trauma That Is Keeping You Sick: Safely uncover and release stored trauma from the nervous system with different somatic and nervous system exercises
  2. Reprogramming Your Mind to Heal: What your subconscious mind believes dictates your results. So whatever beliefs you have about your ability to heal is impacting if your body will reverse this autoimmune condition. That's why I'm a certified hypnotist that will help you reprogram your subconscious beliefs about healing.
  3. Realigning Your Energetic Body: The last piece is working with the energetic body to have complete healing on all levels. We do this with gentle yet powerful energetic energy work sessions and innovative light energy technology that helps accelerate the body's ability to heal.


resilient autoimmune resolutions method

If you knew for absolute certain that releasing trauma from your nervous system, reprogramming the subconscious mind, and realigning the energetic body will help you reverse your autoimmune conditions. you would get enrolled now, would you not?


Included Inside:

  • Guided hypnosis for reprogramming healing 
  • Toolkit for daily nervous system regulation
  • 2 live coaching calls a month
  • 2 live energy healings a month
  • Supportive community of like-minded women
  • Lifetime access to all materials
  • Bonus access to my Releasing Trapped Emotions Causing Pain and Inflammation digital course

When: Our 12 weeks together begins March 3 and our first live call will be on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 4pm Pacific

All calls will be held on Tuesdays at 4pm pacific time and replay recordings will always be provided if you can't make one live.

So, Are You Ready to Heal?

The truth is, if you want to reverse your autoimmune symptoms, you need to address the trauma that’s keeping you stuck.

And if you need a helping hand to guide you through this journey, Release Stuck Trauma, Reverse Autoimmune Conditions is for you.

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

Hi, I'm Lyn. 

I'm a certified hypnotist, energy healer, and mind-body expert with a master's degree in somatic (mind-body) psychology.

As someone who was diagnosed with a life-changing illness at the young age of 25, I understand what it is like to have your whole life change because of your health.

I understand what it is like to be scared and traumatized by the medical system and to be told an issue will be lifelong.

For me, being told this catalyzed a whole new path for me as I sought ways to actually support my body in healing.

And as I found things that helped me, I got passionate to share what I was learning with others and have been doing so for almost 15 years now!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

I am trained in both BodyTalk and Body Intuitive. These are 2 powerful energy healing modalities that help to address the root imbalances of what is causing your health issue and to support the body in healing itself.

You can read more here.

Hypnosis is a lot like meditation. The main difference is that we use certain relaxation exercises to start to help you relax more fully and drop into the Theta brainwave state where it is easier to work with your subconscious mind.

In addition, the intention behind hypnosis is different than in meditation because we are working to reprogram your subconscious mind.

The hypnosis that you likely have seen on TV or in the movies is a form of hypnosis called stage hypnosis where people are asked to do silly things like bark like a dog. In the type of work we do, you will never be asked to do silly things and you are always 100% in control. You can open your eyes at any time!

If you want to learn more, listen to this short podcast episode.

You will be able to request some laser coaching support on our calls but if you want 1-1 support beyond that, there will be an option to add additional private calls at an additional cost.

If you are seeking to reverse another chronic illness and you feel trauma is at the root of why you are still struggling with symptoms-- then yes, please join us!

To answer any other questions you might have, please book a free call by clicking the button below.