Regain Your Peace of Mind and Be Independent!

I can help you have more energy, less pain, and get back to living a more meaningful life!

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson
Regain Your Peace of Mind and Be Independent!

I can help you have more energy, less pain, and get back to living a more meaningful life!

Are You Ready to Be Done Feeling Frustrated by Your Physical Symptoms?

Sign up to receive my FREE guide "How to Stop Feeling Frustrated by Your Symptoms and Understand What Your Body Is Telling You"!

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We all want to feel healthy & good in our bodies.

Yet we live in a world where the dominant medical paradigm teaches us to "pop a pill" and just live with our symptoms (both physical ones like pain or digestive issues or emotional ones like anxiety and depression) long term. Often we are told these issues are chronic and will "never go away."

It's no wonder we feel frustrated, isolated, lost and like a burden to our loved ones...

But life isn't meant to just be lived managing symptoms and just "surviving."

And I truly believe, no matter what the medical system says, that our bodies can and will heal!

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

We are meant to THRIVE!

Like many others, I used to view my symptoms as frustrations, annoyances, and inconveniences and I missed out on realizing that they are actually intelligent communications from our bodies in the only language that they have...

That is until I went through a health crisis and received the (mis)diagnosis of leukemia when I was 25.

After going through that pivotal experience, I started trying many different alternative healing approaches and I woke up to understanding more about my body's own wisdom and natural healing capacity.

I've spent the last 12 years helping other women to reclaim their health and their lives and I would love to help you do the same.

Just imagine:

  • Waking up feeling energized, alive, and without physical symptoms minus the cabinet full of meds to keep you functioning.
  • Finally feeling good in your body again.
  • Being able to do your work again and showing up fully for your family and yourself.

Let me help you make this your new reality.

Ways We Can Work Together:


Learn to Release Trapped Emotions e-Course


My Signature 1:1 Program


The Inner Circle Healing Membership

As Featured On

Client Love

"I had an AMAZING distance Body Talk session with Lyn.

During our session we cut some pain I was experiencing completely in half, from an 8 to a 4. Today, 2 days later, I have ZERO pain in that area! ZERO!! 

Thank you Lyn!"

– Jessica D.

“It is amazing to be off of ALL medications (thyroid, hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants, Xanax) for the first time in about eight years!

I feel much healthier than I did when I was on them."

- Dawn M.

"As of now: I have reduced my inflammation medication by half daily.  Also, I no longer need to take cancer medication to help my Lupus and have reduced my pain medication in half!! 

To add to this, my energy and stamina have increased tremendously.  I am able to be out for longer periods of time."

- Marta T.