About BodyTalk and Body Intuitive

What Lies Beneath the Surface...

under the surface

BodyTalk and Body Intuitive are effective healing systems that explore the message and the story of our symptoms or diseases.

In many more traditional models of healing, there is the tendency to focus on the symptom, the problem, the diagnosis or the label. Western Medicine, in particular, focuses heavily on addressing the symptom and making it “go away,” either through surgery or medication.

What if instead of simply focusing on making the symptom “go away,” we were to look at it as a message from our bodymind that is trying to tell us something? What if we explored the STORY behind the symptom?

icebergNot Just the Tip of the Iceberg...

During a  session, we explore what lies beneath the surface of the symptom or “problem.” While Western Medicine and many other approaches focus on the part of the iceberg that is visible ABOVE the water, in BodyTalk and Body Intuitive, we are much more interested in the larger portion of the iceberg that is BELOW the water.

What is below the water tells a story of various traumas, struggles, emotional issues, stressors, belief systems, physical and psychological issues that have contributed to creating the symptom that is calling for our attention. We look at the whole person and the environmental, emotional, and physical influences behind each disease and symptom.

When we hear and address the WHOLE story, rather than just the tip of the iceberg, we are able to facilitate deep healing and rejuvenation.

BodyTalk and Body Intuitive are integrative approaches that draw on the wisdom of ancient medicinal traditions (Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine) together with the latest advances in Western medicine and quantum physics.

The systems use neuromuscular biofeedback (or muscle testing), light hand contacts, and gentle tapping (an ancient Hatha Yoga technique) to generate subtle electrical currents in the body. BodyTalk and Body Intutive use the latest advances from quantum physics, clinical studies and the mind-body connection to help reset the nervous system out of “fight or flight” into a healing mode, re-establishing lines of healthy communication between the systems of the body.

What Happens During a Session?

We will connect at the time of your session by either phone or Zoom. You will relax in your bed or another comfortable place. After we check in about what you would like to focus on during your session, I tune into your body's energy and your priorities for healing on that day. I use protocol charts and intuition to guide the session and explain to you what is coming up to be addressed. All techniques are done by me at a distance, as well as guiding you through any parts of the process that require your active participation.


Have Questions?

If you have questions and want to learn more, I invite you to book a free consultation call with me now!

Client Love

Jean"Every session was an opportunity for my body to reveal information and release yet another layer to heal.  BodyTalk has provided me with the opportunity to release limiting belief structures, heal cellular trauma, improve my ability to deal with stress and how it affects me as well as improve organ and brain function."

– Jean Koncos - Owner of At Vancouver Massage

"I had got to the point that if a dog or cat would touch my skin, I would immediately develop hives on that spot.   

Through Body Talk, Lyn was able to get me so that I am not sensitive to them.   They can touch me without me having to race for the sink to wash myself down."

- Bev Wells