You Are Ready to Break the Cycle of Over-Giving and Poor Boundaries That Leave You Feel Burned Out, Exhausted and Sick So You Can Become a Woman Who Feels Safe & Empowered to Honor Your Own Needs
Introducing... The Sovereign Self-Healing Sisterhood
A 12 week self-healing program to
Release generational patterns of de-prioritizing yourself
Reprogram your mind to Reclaim deeper levels of empowerment
Realign your energetic body for strong, healthy boundaries
so that you can Become your most fully embodied, energized, alive and healed self.
Sister, Are You Ready To:
- Feel a deep sense of safety in your body when you say no or set a boundary with someone in your life because you know you are becoming a woman whose wishes, needs, and desires are honored and respected
- Wake up every day feeling energized and alive because you are no longer zapping your energy by over-giving to everyone else or saying yes to things you don't want to
- Experience deeper joy and fulfillment on a regular basis because you are making your own needs and desires a top priority
- Experience more vibrant health and well-being because you are making self-care and your own needs a top priority... and your body is powerfully self-healing as you do
- Reclaim the mental space and energy that used to be filled by guilt or anxiety when you focused on your own needs
- Feel more fully like your true self, the woman you know that you actually came here to be in this life

The fact that you're here means that you probably come from a long line of women who have sacrificed their own needs, desire, and well-being to take care of others... and you're ready to finally break that cycle.
Raise Your Hand If You're Feeling....
- Tired of constantly abandoning your own needs and desires
- Stuck in patterns of weak boundaries, people pleasing, and not feeling guilty for wanting to put yourself first
- Overwhelmed and exhausted because you are constantly giving to everyone else and don't have much left to give to yourself
- Tired of feeling anxious and stressed about how others will react when you say NO
- Done with these old self-sacrificing patterns making you sick!
I believe that the time is NOW for us as women to break free from old generational patterns and conditioning and reclaim our sovereignty, health and vibrancy.

Here’s the Truth...
Most of us have been conditioned over the years to feel it isn't safe, "good," or "nice" to put ourselves at the top of our priority list.
We come from a lineage where our mothers, grandmothers, and aunts have all sacrificed themselves to put others first.
And we have inherited these beliefs, habits, and cultural patterns, as well as centuries of generational traumas that our female ancestors never resolved.
This leads us to experience feelings of exhaustion, resentment, overwhelm, burnout... and our health also suffers as a consequence.
So many women are sick and struggling with chronic illnesses like autoimmune disease, adrenal fatigue, depression, anxiety, and more, and I believe it is directly tied to these old patterns.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Step Into Your Sovereign Self-Healed Woman
The women who come to this movement are loving, kind, and warm-hearted beings BUT they embody their queen energy and people also know to respect when they express their sacred "yes" and sacred "no".
They are no longer wishy-washy in what they want.
And as a result, the world responds to them differently. Their partner, their kids, their boss, and their friends don't put the same demands on them.
There is an energetic frequency that they emit that lets people know to respect their needs, wishes, and desires.
They are automatically treated differently, without having to defend or explain themselves.
Because they show up differently, the people around to them respond differently too.

Hi, I'm Lyn.
As a child, my mom had a tendency to speak FOR me, and I therefore never learned how to do that for myself and was always uncomfortable with conflict or saying no.
I avoided speaking up, setting boundaries and expressing my own needs and desires because I didn't want others to be upset with me.
In addition, I learned about de-prioritizing myself through watching my mom, who was a life-long caregiver to others but who never learned how to care for herself.
I think deep down she felt unworthy of putting herself and her needs first.
While on the outside she seemed very bold and assertive (a true "Jersey girl") deep down she too struggled with self-sacrifice and feeling like her own health and healing could be a top priority.
I am not completely like my mother because I learned from a fairly young age that I did need to prioritize my health... getting a life-changing diagnosis will do that to a person.
But in recent years, I have been working to heal generational patterns of trauma and self-sacrifice, poor boundaries, lack of deep self-love, and more that are part of what I learned from my mother, grandmother, and others in my ancestral line.
I truly believe that it is crucial that we as women learn how to put ourselves first, love ourselves deeply, and break ancestral patterns of self-neglect, self-abandonment, and trauma so we break the patterns for ourselves and for future generations.

Why Join the Sovereign Self-Healing Sisterhood Movement?
I believe that when we as women come together in these sacred healing circles and reclaim our own sovereign energy and power the world becomes transformed.
As individuals, we experience more abundant energy to pour into things that have deep meaning for us. This could be a business we are building that we are passionate about, a meaningful career, volunteer work that speaks to our heart, or hobbies that bring us deep joy.
We feel empowered to say YES to ourselves when we need alone time, take solo trips, or when we want to go to do a hobby we love alone, guilt-free.
As we free the energy that was constantly drained by patterns of over-giving and self-abandonment, our bodies have more energy to put towards healing from a variety of health conditions ranging from autoimmune disease to chronic fatigue to digestive problems and more.
And when we do this deep healing work together, we also heal the collective. We become empowered and embodied women and we give a gift by creating new patterns for future generations of daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and all young women.

What Happens Inside the Sisterhood?
Inside this 12-week container, we will dive deep into my "Sovereign, Embodied Self Method" to help you:
- Release Generational Patterns: Safely uncover and release stored learned patterns, habits, and ways of being, which are leading you to put yourself last, over-give, have weak boundaries, and feel unworthy of putting yourself first. We will use different energetic and somatic practices to create safety in your nervous system as you change these generational patterns.
- Reprogram Your Mind: Our subconscious mind is the storehouse of our beliefs, habits, behaviors and our identity. Most of these things were formed before the age of 7 and heavily influenced by what we observed in our mothers, grandmothers, female relatives, and through society in general. I'm a certified hypnotist and I will help you reprogram your subconscious beliefs to embody deep self-love, self-worth, healthy boundaries.
- Realigning Your Energetic Body: We will work to strengthen your energetic body so you can have clear, healthy and strong boundaries as you break these generational cycles. We also will use energy healing and powerful light-wave technology to accelerate self-healing on a physical, mental and energetic level.
- Reclaim Your Body: Whether due to trauma, cultural conditioning about our bodies as women, or due to illness, many of us have become disconnected from being fully in our bodies. We will use simple movement and embodiment practices to reclaim our bodies and our right to take up space and to feel good in our bodies.

You definitely don't want to miss being part of the Sovereign Self-Healing Sisterhood Movement.

Included Inside:
- Guided hypnosis for reprogramming your mind
- Toolkit for daily nervous system regulation
- Embodiment practices to get you back in your body
- 2 live coaching calls a month
- 2 live energy healings activations a month
- Supportive community of like-minded women
- Lifetime access to all materials
- Bonus access to my Releasing Trapped Emotions digital course

Program Details
Our 12 weeks together begins March 17 and our first live call will be on Tuesday March 18, 2025 at 4pm Pacific
All calls will be held on Tuesdays at 4pm pacific time and replay recordings will always be provided if you can't make one live.
Investment to Join the Movement:
Pay in full $777
2 payment option $399
3 payment option $275
4 payment option $210

So, Are You Ready to Be a Cycle Breaker?
The truth is, if you want to release and heal these generation patterns, it can be challenging to do it alone.
When we come together in these sacred healing circles and work together on these old cycles and patterns, we work together to shift more quickly and powerfully.
You don't have to transmute and heal these generational patterns alone. You can do it in sisterhood.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
I am trained in both BodyTalk and Body Intuitive. These are 2 powerful energy healing modalities that help to address the root imbalances of what is causing your health issue and to support the body in healing itself.
Hypnosis is a lot like meditation. The main difference is that we use certain relaxation exercises to start to help you relax more fully and drop into the Theta brainwave state where it is easier to work with your subconscious mind.
In addition, the intention behind hypnosis is different than in meditation because we are working to reprogram your subconscious mind.
The hypnosis that you likely have seen on TV or in the movies is a form of hypnosis called stage hypnosis where people are asked to do silly things like bark like a dog. In the type of work we do, you will never be asked to do silly things and you are always 100% in control. You can open your eyes at any time!
If you want to learn more, listen to this short podcast episode.
You will be able to request some laser coaching support on our calls but if you want 1-1 support beyond that, there will be an option to add additional private calls (limited spots available) at an additional cost.
To answer any other questions you might have, please book a free call by clicking the button below.