Unleash Your Healing Potential Podcast

How I Healed My Sciatica Naturally with Barbara Farfan

In this episode, Lyn interviews Barbara Farfan about how she healed her sciatic naturally while stuck in a small town in Mexico on lockdown in 2020 during the Covid pandemic.

Barbara shares how she figured out her own treatment plan and process and has been pain-free since then.

We also speak about the importance of balance in the body and never giving up on finding a solution that works for you.


About Barbara:

Barbara Farfan has been practicing and advocating for natural and holistic healing for most of her life. After surviving several serious health challenges as a child, she started using natural and holistic healing practices in college because it seemed like the most logical thing to do. Almost 50 years later, she has not needed to consult with a medical doctor or take a prescription drug in her adult life.

As a full-time travelling International Petsitter, Barbara got stranded in Mexico in a small town on the Yucatan peninsula during the 2020 Global Pandemic Lockdown. Without warning she woke up one day in the most agonizing pain of her lifetime with a full-blown Sciatica attack. 

She cobbled together a holistic treatment plan that was practical and possible, given the global health crisis conditions. Within four months Barbara was Sciatica symptom-free and has remained that way ever since. She credits holistic healing for her ability to lead a carefree and active lifestyle, while she continues to travel full-time as an International Petsitter.

Her website: https://SciaticaPainStop.com