Becoming Supernatural: A Reflection on Attending a Workshop with Dr. Joe Dispenza

On Saturday, I went to see Dr. Joe Dispenza speak as part of Hay House Live here in Portland. I have to say that when I first discovered that he was coming to Portland a few months ago, I was extremely excited! His book “You Are the Placebo” had a significant impact on me and is one of the books I reference in my own book.

Sitting in a room filled with hundreds of people there to see him was powerful. I was initially struck by just how amazing it is to live in a place that hundreds of people would buy a ticket and spend a day hearing such a thought leader!

The day was focused on the topic of “Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon” (I highly recommend you check out his book with the same name!). Dr. Joe shared stories of people who had healed themselves from conditions like Stage 4 cancer that doctors said was terminal or a condition that caused partial blindness and resulted in a woman losing her driver’s license, her job, and her independence (again deemed “incurable” by Western medicine).

These examples were mind-blowing, even to me. I work in the field of healing and transformation and I witness amazing things like clients going off of medications for chronic illness and having more energy than they’ve had in over 20 years and yet the possibilities that Dr. Joe revealed through his stories were incredible.

Are You Living in the Present Moment?

For much of the day, Dr. Joe talked about how many of us spend much of our time living from subconscious programming. We wake up in the morning, begin thinking the same thoughts, go through our same routine (get up, make coffee, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to work, etc), and we are stuck living in either thinking about our past and all the horrible things that happened to us (traumas, people who wronged us, our struggles, what our parents taught us) or we are always focusing on the future (what we need to do next, how long it is going to take us to get to our goals).

Dr. Joe said “We are becoming addicted to a life we don’t even like—but at least it’s predictable.”

What we are missing is being in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that we are really PRESENT and it is from that space of the present moment that we have the opportunity to step into new possibilities that exist for us. As Dr. Joe said, “If you aren’t being defined by creating a new future, your brain is already in the past.”

Tapping Into Infinite Possibilites

Dr. Joe has travelled the world and teaches week long retreats where he works with participants to develop meditation practices that help them to detach from their bodies, their personalities, their possessions and work with different brain wave patterns to tap into the quantum field and connect with the infinite possibilities that exist to create whatever new reality (health, money, relationships, etc.) it is they are wanting to create.

Infinity symbols

One of the key parts of this process is to feel the feelings of the new reality before that new reality exists. It is in this way that we can signal our genes ahead of the environment.

He says, “To change is to be greater than your environment, and your body, and time.”

What is amazing is how at these events, Dr. Joe and his team use scientific equipment to measure participants brains during meditations and some of what is being observed is blowing scientists’ minds.

Observing My Own Patterns

Since Saturday, I’ve been spending a lot of time observing myself, observing my habits and patterns, noticing when I am checking out and going into an old habit or thought pattern. For one thing, I’m noticing how much I can get hooked into looking at my phone, checking social media, email, and more. This is one of the things Dr. Joe talked about was how for many of us, all these pieces of technology really reinforce our current identity and personality and keep us stuck in the past or future.

So now I am not looking at my phone until AFTER I do my morning meditation and am ready to shift into “work mode.” I’m noticing how when I feel bored by a situation, I tend to want to mindlessly scroll Facebook to “check out” and I’m working to curb that pattern.

I’m catching myself if I wake up in the morning and immediately jump into thinking about my schedule and all that I need to do today. And then working to bring myself back into the present moment once again. I’m excited to start working more with the meditations Dr. Joe has created and to see the transformation in my own life.

What Is Possible for YOU?

I truly believe in the power of possibility and that we can heal from any condition we currently experience but it takes discipline and changing habits and patterns of going unconscious. As Dr. Joe shared in the story of the man who healed Stage 4 cancer (with over 50 tumors in his body), it does take WORK. And sometimes we will feel resistance and not want to show up and keep doing the work but if we do, we have tremendous potential to change our lives.


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  1. Rozy on June 18, 2020 at 2:30 pm

    Thanks for sharing your experience! I was going to start watching his live sessions on, but felt a little reluctant to upgrade my payment plan to access this session. I’m glad you got so much out of it. You’re right. Those constant reminders in the morning to do better and be more present are so powerful. One thing I find very distracting is his meditation voice lol. How did you resonate with that?

    • Lyn DelT on June 18, 2020 at 2:44 pm

      I definitely find the voice a bit distracting too. I was jarred by it at the live event as I didn’t realize that’s the way he does it. I think maybe you get used to it and I’m sure he has a reason for doing it that way– which would be good to hear about.

    • Lyana on August 24, 2020 at 9:14 am

      I laughed inwardly when I saw your comment because I remember my very first reaction when listening to his meditation. I was exposed to Dr. Joe over 15 years ago with “What the Bleep” and then found him again through a series of synchronistic events ten years later. After listening to a few of his talks, I was excited to listen to a meditation. I closed my eyes and got comfortable. I almost laughed out loud when I heard him speaking but decided to give it a chance. By the end of that very first meditation I was feeling like I was in a new world, a new future, and in a different skin. He works magic through his guided meditations and I would recommend them to anyone who expresses interest. Through all of Dr. Joe’s research and study (both personal and professional), I am certain beyond a shadow of doubt, that he has a purpose for using the very style/s he does when walking us through the land of our exquisite expansive true selves. Hope you’ve been enjoying his work, and finding yourself in there!

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