Wellness Blog
One evening, before dinner, Sylvia guided the group through a breathwork practice. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, as there are many kinds of breathwork techniques out there and I have experienced a good number of them but I was open to the experience as I already felt a strong connection to Sylvia and her work through the speaking program we had both just completed together.
Sylvia guided us to all lay on the floor in a circle and began to show up how to do this breathing technique, which consists of an inhale into the belly (through the mouth) followed by an inhale into the chest (again through the mouth) and then an exhale out through the mouth. After demonstrating, Sylvia guided us to start working with the breath at our own pace.

I remember the first few minutes of laying there when I started coughing and feeling like something was trying to clear from my throat. Then after a few minutes, my hands and face started to tingle fairly intensely.
I was immediately brought back to a body memory of the migraines I began getting as a teenager, which would bring a similar numbness, and I could feel a wave of panic and a desire to stop doing this breathwork practice.
Through Sylvia’s guidance and support and also through having a conversation with myself in my head telling myself that this was different, that I knew energy moving can also create tingling, I was able to work through the resistance and keep going… and I’m SO glad that I did.
After the first 5-7 minutes where I absolutely hated the experience, I then dropped into a very deep and profound space where I experienced insights about certain patterns and tendencies that I have in my life around my health which dated back to early childhood patterns…
And then I felt myself surrounded by all of the most important people in my life who are no longer with me on the physical plane but who I know now serve as guides for me (my maternal grandmother, my best friend and my “aunt” all made their presence known).
I cried and cried as I felt myself supported by these key people in my life and as I saw the truth of a deep pattern that I had never observed before unravel before my eyes.
I would say that this breathwork experience at the retreat was one of the most profound experiences of my own healing. To have these insights and “downloads” flow through me so quickly was a new experience for me and despite having cried for almost 20 minutes, afterwards I felt amazing!
After the retreat, I scheduled several one-on-one breathwork sessions with Sylvia via Zoom and then last fall, I was so intrigued that I asked her where she had learned this way of working. She told me about her teacher, David Elliott, and I knew that I needed to go to study with him. The confirmation came when the next level 1 training was the weekend after my birthday.
Now that I have done the level 1 training, I am trying to do my own breathwork practice at least 4-5 days a week and I find there are many profound experiences that happen for me when I do this work. I release a lot of old emotions, I feel energy moving in a way that I’ve never felt before, and I sometimes get clear information about the exact next steps I need to take in my life or my business.
I’m very excited to now be offering this as another way to support my clients in my practice as well. So far the results have been pretty cool as a friend of mine told me she me she felt completely amazing and the best she’s ever felt (despite a huge and intense emotional release during the actual session) and another friend shared that she felt doing this work “changed her life.”
If you are interested in learning more about this type of healing work, reach out with questions or let me know if you’d like to try a session. I have a special introductory rate going on for these breathwork session through the end of April 2019.
]]>In our modern world, it is easy to feel like we are constantly on the go, pulled from one activity to the next, and that there are so many demands on our time and attention. We can end up feeling exhausted, burned out, and spread too thin…
Today, I would love to share with you the top 5 reasons why attending a retreat is a powerful gift to yourself that you should consider investing In.
- A retreat provides you the opportunity to get outside of your day-to-day life and to spend time focusing on your own self-healing and self-development. It can also jump-start changes in habits that you are trying to make.
With how busy we are in our daily lives, it can be hard to prioritize things like our health, self-reflection, and our own growth as a person.
It can be easy to get caught up with the to-do lists, with taking care of our families, cleaning the house, and all the various other activities that call for our attention and time. It’s sad but we are often the last thing on our priority list!
A retreat provides a valuable opportunity to step away from your life, to have the spaciousness of time to reflect on what is and isn’t working in our lives (and to commit to changing that!), and to dive deep into learning about new topics to support our health and well-being.
If you are struggling to implement some new changes in the area of your health, a weekend away focused on this topic and learning new skills can provide a “jump start” to new habits, patterns, and routines.
If everything tends to feel overwhelming or if you are feeling life like is stale right now, taking an intentional getaway can lead to powerful shifts!
2. A retreat is an amazing opportunity to RECEIVE- support, nurturing, connection, and so much more.
For most women, we are busy taking care of everyone else and not very focused on taking care of ourselves. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you did something FOR YOURSELF?
When you attend a retreat, you will have the opportunity to have homemade nourishing meals cooked just for you, the opportunity to learn from and receive support of the retreat’s leader(s), a chance to make new friends and share your own struggles and challenges in an open and honest way with other women.
There will be spacious time for being alone if you want, for walking outside in nature, to take a nap if your body requires it.
3. A retreat gives you an opportunity to reconnect to the healing power of nature.
Many retreats are held at beautiful locations around the world. Places can include global destinations like Bali, Costa Rica, or Mexico or can be more local like the Oregon Coast or a mountain near you.
We have become a society that has become more disconnected from nature as we spend time indoors, in front of screens, and connected more to technology than to Mother Nature.
Yet nature holds tremendous healing potential and gifts for us and a weekend or week away in a natural setting can offer tremendous healing benefits to us.
4. You can make new friends that can support you on your life’s journey.
By spending a weekend away with a small group of women, you will have the opportunity to form new friendships. When we are in the space of getting away together and being present, we can form much deeper and more real connections with others and these are the kinds of relationships that can support us for years to come.
Although it might initially feel intimidating to spend a weekend away with a group of people we don’t know (yet), with the help of a skillful leader and a schedule of activities focused on growth, you will find yourself connecting deeply with other participants.
5. Attending a retreat can help you become a better version of you in your daily life.
When we allow ourselves spaciousness, receive nurturing and connection, and learn new tools and skills, we become empowered to grow and to develop into a better version of ourselves.
As a result, we are the able to show up in new ways for the people and the things we care about in our lives!
Imagine being able to take better care of your family, to have more energy and passion for your work, and to show up in the world in a bigger and brighter way…
Losing weight has never been a particularly easy thing for me to do. Even as a teenager who was very active (doing ballet for 90 minutes three times a week), I had a tendency to gain weight more easily than many of my peers.
I remember one summer that I decided to focus on trying to lose a little extra weight and to tone up. I spent that summer eating healthy (more fruits and veggies and lean meats, very little processed food or junk food) and working out very regularly.
And yet at the end of several months, there was no difference on the scale. Zero… Yes, I had possibly gained a little but of muscle and therefore offset any weight loss but I still felt like a failure on some level.
I remember from this relatively young age wondering WHY it was so easy for some people to lose weight when I was doing all the right things and yet nothing changed.
I knew the story of my mom’s best friend who also struggled with weight her whole life and it was only when she was in an in-patient weight loss clinic eating around 500 calories a day that her body could start losing weight. That was pretty messed up, I remember thinking, but I didn’t really understand WHY that was.
Throughout my adult life, I have continued to struggle with a difficulty in losing weight. Let me just say that I do not believe in crazy fad diets, miracle pills, and things of those sort (so please don’t come talking to me about those kinds of things- because I have ZERO interest). I have always just focused on eating well and moving my body, yet nothing has changed.
In fact, in the almost 5 years since I’ve been together with my husband, I have gained more weight and I have tried several times over the past 2 years to lose the weight but once I have lost about 10 pounds, if I don’t keep up a very focused way of eating, it immediately comes back again…
About a year or so ago, one of my mentors in the BodyTalk system, Dr. Laura Stuve, started talking about how she has had tremendous success in using BodyTalk tools (which she strengthens with her own background as a PhD scientist) to help both herself and her clients successfully lose weight.
I was immediately both excited and intrigued! While I couldn’t take her hormones of weight and metabolism class when she first offered it in 2017, I put it on my wish list for 2018 and I did take that course last October!
In the class, we learned a great deal about things like:
- how traditional diets actually mess up our metabolism MORE, making it even harder to lose weight
- how the calories in, calories burned model that has been dominant for years is flawed because it doesn’t take into account the QUALITY of the calories you are eating
- how the experiences of our ancestors (like food shortages and famines) can actually affect our metabolism today, making our bodies think we also need to be prepared for food shortages
- how imbalances in the gut microbiome (that community of good bacteria in our digestive system) can contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight
- and so much more…
I have been diving into using the new tools I learned from Dr. Laura with a small group of clients for several months, and also I started getting BodyTalk sessions on this topic from Dr. Laura herself.
It is my intention to blog a bit and share my own journey with this process and so this is the first entry in that documentation.
Since my first session with Dr. Laura on December 30, 2018, I have already lost about 6 pounds in 2 weeks.
This isn’t through some crazy restrictive diet but instead through making a few key tweaks in what I’m eating (which was customized based on what MY specific body is requesting) and also adding more exercise into my life (with the requirement the exercise must be FUN, not something I don’t enjoy).
So I am working out now 6 days a week, many days doing NIA videos since I love dancing and this way of movement feels fun and also good to my body. I’m changing what I eat for breakfast and cutting way back on eating potatoes to only once every 2 weeks, per my body’s request. I’m eating less sugar and more fiber, again per my body’s request.
It feels good to finally be shifting this long pattern of mine, which for me actually runs back through my mom and that side of the family. I’m doing this in a healthy, balanced way, and a way that honors my unique needs, which will make it sustainable.
Through BodyTalk, Dr. Laura is helping reset underlying imbalances in hormones, the brain centers that know whether we are safe to lose weight or if we are in danger of starvation (including those ancestral patterns I mentioned above), my gut microbiome, and so much more.
I look forward to writing another update in a few weeks!
And if this is an area that you are interested in exploring support and healing for yourself, reach out as I’m launching this as another focused offering of my work. I truly believe that losing weight shouldn’t have to be hard, require starving ourselves (that actually won’t help you lose weight), and it isn’t “your fault” if you’ve tried things and haven’t been successful. I’d love to help you have a different experience.
How many times have you judged your emotions (or even if it is a specific emotion, like anger) as being a “bad thing”?
In our Western world, many of us have been raised to think of various emotions or being “too emotional” as a negative thing and therefore we judge ourselves and get frustrated when we feel emotions, or instead we are driven to suppress our emotions.
I’d like to share a little mindset shifting philosophy with you, in case you hold this all-to-common belief that emotions (at least some of them) can be “bad.”
Emotions are just energy and they are meant to be in motion… They actually are quite powerful forces that our bodies can use as fuel for action, healing, and many other things. It is really only when our emotions get stuck or when we push them down and suppress them that they become a problem.
In the Chinese Medicine philosophy, each emotion is seen as designed to help with a particular movement/action in the bodymind.
The emotion of worry, for example, is designed to help us think and problem solve. It is only when we get stuck in it that we can fall into confusion, which often results in anxiety.
The emotion of anger is actually designed to be fuel to move forward in our lives (when coupled with the planning energy of our Liver, it is powerful at this). However, when anger becomes imbalanced or suppressed, that is when we get to the explosiveness stage that many people are familiar with and often afraid of.
Grief is all about letting go of things. It serves the energy of releasing what we no longer need but if we don’t allow it to move, then we often fall apart.
The next time that you find yourself wanting to label certain emotions as “negative” or “bad” or you feel the desire to push them down, remind yourself instead that they are fuel for your body to use and each one has its own intelligent purpose.
Allow the energy of the emotion to move, as it is intended to do, and see what happens.
When we allow the healthy movement and expression of ALL of our emotions, our bodies don’t have to also find places to hold onto them, to store them in our tissues, which is often what causes pain in areas of the body that seemingly comes “out of nowhere.”
BodyTalk Access is a powerful, one day class where you will learn a simple but highly effective routine that you can use on a regular basis to help support your overall health and well-being.
Today, I’d like to share my top 5 reasons why you need BodyTalk Access in your life.
1, Learning the immune system balancing technique is worth the cost of admission alone!
Think of how many times you end up with a cold each fall/winter/spring. Think of how easily you pick-up any bug going around or if you are a parent, how often your kids pick it up and then bring it home to spread it throughout the household.
How much do you spend on Nyquil, cough medicine, cough drops? How much do you lose on sick days and time off? Or taking time off work to take care of sick kids?
No one likes to catch every bug going around and with this technique, you will learn how to help your immune system stay optimized so that it can easily and effectively fight of what is going around– and you can use it to help your whole family do the same!
If you do start to come down with something, using this technique frequently during that time can dramatically help your body recover faster!
2. You might think you are staying hydrated by drinking your 8 glasses of water a day but you might not actually be absorbing the water into your cells!
This is a fascinating thing to learn, right? We can drink PLENTY of water and yet still be dehydrated!
You might even be thinking of times when you have been drinking enough water but you still feel dehydrated. I know I’ve felt that way many times- like I just can’t drink enough water to feel good.
With this technique that you will learn, you can help all of your cells take in the water that you are drinking daily. Sometimes, due to a variety of reasons that you’ll learn more about in the class, we can drink water but it doesn’t actually get into the cells! With this technique, that is a problem no longer!
3. You will learn one of the most effective ways to balance and optimize how your brain is functioning on a daily basis!
Do you sometimes lack mental focus and concentration? Do you find it hard to do certain cognitive tasks? Want to be able to better concentrate for important meetings, phone calls, or other activities?
When you learn the cortices technique in the BodyTalk Access class, you learn a technique that you can use daily to help give your brain’s functioning a boost!
This technique also has the added side benefit of helping to diminish cold spots, which are areas of lower blood supply in the brain. If we have a physical injury or illness, this issue is actually reflected in our brains as a cold spot so by helping decrease cold spots, we also help the area of illness or injury.
4. You will learn how to optimize your response to stress
Many of us find ourselves feeling stressed out and overwhelmed on a daily basis. Our brains and bodies shut down from reacting to every little stressor in our daily lives and with a simple technique called Switching, you will find yourself less reactive to stress and more able to use challenges as a fuel for success!
I’ll also be sharing cool new research about how stress doesn’t have to be bad for us- that part of it is our mindset about stress!
5. Learn a quick technique to help with minor or major emergencies
Maybe you stub your toe on something… Or one of your kids falls down and scrapes up a knee… Maybe you just witnessed a horrific car accident and you find yourself in a state of shock…
With the Fast Aid technique, we can help the physical, mental, and emotional parts of ourselves handle anything from a little cut in the kitchen to experiencing a life-changing trauma.
For example, I’ve used this technique to help a family member who banged her hand and had it swell up to at least double its normal size quickly reduce inflammation and pain and by later that day, there was no pain, swelling or bruising! It is AMAZING!
If you think that this sounds like something you need in your life, I invite you to sign up for my upcoming BodyTalk Access classes in the Portland, OR area or find a class near you at www.bodytalksystem.com/seminars/
Check out my recent interview on the Awakening to Life Podcast here now!
We chatted about my new book, “You Are Not Your Diagnosis,” how to listen to the wisdom of your body, and how to not have your diagnosis control your life!
Last week I was interviewed by Kole Hansen on her Warrior Women with a Purpose Podcast and it was SUCH a great interview that I wanted to share it with you all!
Kole is also a healer with an amazing story (which she tells on one of the podcast episodes) and we really jammed about the wisdom of our bodies, how things like illness are a wakeup call from the universe and more.
I hope you’ll take a listen and if you enjoyed it, leave a 5 star review on iTunes for the podcast!
Find out the answer to this fascinating question in my latest video!