The Power of Your Subconscious Mind on Your Health
We think between 50,000-70,000 thoughts every single day. Yet many of those thoughts are the same ones that we have been thinking for months or years!
And we often aren’t even consciously aware of many of those repetitive thoughts because they are occurring at a subconscious rather than a conscious level…
So what does that mean when it comes to the topic of your health?
If we are continually thinking thoughts like “I’m so exhausted,” “I’ll never get better,” or “I always feel sick,” we are reinforcing those beliefs AND our bodies are also listening to those thoughts like they are on a never-ending recording loop.
You might be familiar with the idea that your thoughts help to create your reality.
Your body is listening to every single thought you have and if those thoughts are negative thoughts that focus on what you DON’T want, then you are helping to create more of that in your mind, body, and life.
Yet if many of these thoughts are subconscious, you likely aren’t even really aware that they are happening or how often they are reoccurring.
Earlier this year, I was working on changing some of my own beliefs and when I started paying attention, it was AMAZING how many times each day I was thinking certain thoughts— which were not the things I really wanted to reinforce believing. When I started working on catching those negative thoughts and replacing them with what I DID want to believe, it made a powerful difference but it also took a lot of work and awareness.
One of the tools that has made a big impact in my life and has helped me to reprogram my subconscious mind has been hypnosis.
I first started seeing a hypnotherapist about 3 years ago because I found myself still struggling with PTSD from a car accident. I had tried quite a few other healing approaches to resolve the issue and yet found my issues resurfacing so I gave hypnosis a try, despite being a bit nervous and skeptical since my primary exposure to hypnosis was in tv shows and movies. I found that the sessions did make a difference and I was able to feel safer and more comfortable driving on the freeway again.
I have used hypnosis for other areas that I’m working on changing and decided this year to become certified as a hypnotherapist because I could see the benefit in my own life and I believed it would be a powerful addition to the work I do with clients, which in the past month it has definitely been!
Hypnosis can help you change old habits that you want to eliminate (like overeating, self-sabotaging behaviors, skipping self-care practices), it can reduce your stress, heal trauma, and create new empowering beliefs about what’s possible for your health!
The power of hypnosis to work with the subconscious mind is that the guided process does a lot of the heavy lifting. I definitely encourage clients to notice and reframe beliefs that they want to change in a conscious way but by listening to their hypnosis recording daily, the process is a lot faster and easier.
If you’ve been struggling with some beliefs or old habits that are getting in the way of your health, consider learning more about hypnosis sessions and booking a free consultation call with me to discuss how I might help you!