Restoring Clarity and Calm: A Brain Upgrade Series

A Group Healing Series to take you from stressed, anxious, and feeling overwhelmed by the world to restoring a sense of calm, safety and mental clarity, which will allow your body to shift into healing mode

 Does this sound familiar?

  • You are constantly struggling to relax, quiet your mind, relax and just be in the moment because your mind is racing around after every thought like a toddler hopped up on too much sugar 
  • You struggle with a high level of stress, anxiety and hypervigilance on a daily basis which leaves you constantly feeling unsafe in the world
  • You often feel overwhelmed by sensory stimulus like too much noise, bright lights, and lots of people/crowds and want to hide out at home to avoid the overwhelm 
  • You have experienced things in your past that were traumatic and that leave you still feeling unsafe in the world (even if you've done other healing on the trauma)

You may or may not know that upgrading your brain to heal the trauma that's affected it can result in more calm, clarity and peace in your body and mind on a daily basis. 

lyn unlock the body's healing potential

Just imagine what's possible for you when:

  • You restore calm so can sit quietly and just BE without constantly hearing your brain chattering on and creating anxiety
  • You start feeling SAFE in the world again
  • You enhance your ability to handle lots of sensory stimuli without feeling completely overwhelmed
  • You make strides to release past trauma that has affected your life and health for quite some time

This can be your reality.

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson
Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

But I've tried so many things...

You may have tried many things to resolve your stress, anxiety, and trauma but the problem is that you likely haven't resolved the impact that past stressors and trauma have created for how your brain now operates.

For the past 10 years working with clients, I have observed how stress and trauma leaves long lasting impacts on our brains and our bodies.

When we work at the level of addressing different brain network operating systems that were impacted by your past, shifts can happen amazingly quickly!

Because I know the power of upgrading your brain through working with the functional networks that it operates through, I want more people to be able to experience this profound healing!

That's why I created this healing series!

In this series, you will experience:

  • upgrades and updates to the different functional networks of your brain that are responsible for quieting your monkey mind, helping you feel safe in the world, and how you perceive your environment
  • quick and powerful shifts that release old patterns and operating systems you might have been struggling with for decades- sometimes by the time we are finishing the call!
  • being part of a community of like-minded individuals who also want to upgrade their brains and heal-- which can actually accelerate our healing!

This series will help you shift from living in frequent states of stress, chaos and anxiety to feeling calmer, clearer and more peaceful!

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

Understanding Your Brain Networks

Recent scientific research through the Human Connectome Project has come to understand more about which areas of the brain control certain functions. Through using functional MRIs, scientists have studied areas of the brain wired to work together for certain functions!

And through combining this understanding with the energetic healing systems that I use of BodyTalk and Body Intuitive, we can now UPGRADE the function of these networks!

A few of the networks we will explore upgrading in this series include:

  • the Default Mode Network, your inner self-critic which constant likes to tell you about everything you have done wrong in the past to all your worries for the future
  • the Salience Network which actually can act like an emotional volume control knob that tunes certain sensory stimuli up or down depending what it thinks is important
  • the Limbic System Network which helps us respond appropriately to stimuli so we don't all act like our inner 5 year olds
  • the Enlightenment Network which helps us access flow states, positive mood, and even bliss!

In each session, I will be guided to work with upgrading these networks to help each participant experience more peace, calm, and resilience in their daily lives. During the call, I will help you understand which networks we are working to heal, what they do, and guide you through the whole process!

And many of my private clients report very quick improvement through this new work!

Ready to try it for yourself?

We start Monday October 28 at 2PM Pacific (5pm eastern) on Zoom!

Subsequent sessions will be on Monday November 4 and 11 at 2PM Pacific (5pm eastern).

All sessions are approximately 45-60 minutes in length and are recorded if you cannot join live but it is wonderful if you are able to be present on Zoom.

Investment: $99

Save your spot by signing up below. Because this is the first time I'm offering this, the cost is only $99 but future offerings will likely be between $150-200.

Client Love

"I recently had eye surgery and was experiencing vertigo after the procedure that activated my nervous system.

After a brain network balancing session with Lyn, I felt stable again, my nervous system finally calmed down and because I was feeling more stable and less foggy headed, I was able to walk around more without a walker!"

- Pat D.

Brain Upgrade Series- Beta Group
