Learn How to Release the Trapped Emotion Causing Chronic Pain and Inflammation

A 3-part technique to release autoimmune pain and inflammation by releasing stuck emotions so that you can enjoy being in your body again.

Raise Your Hand If You Are Ready To...

  • Get through your day's activities without pain stopping you in your tracks
  • Show up and enjoy the plans you have with family or friends because you finally aren't in too much pain to go
  • Wave goodbye to flare-ups, constant exhaustion, and feeling misunderstood because no one can "see" your pain.

This can be your reality.

healthy woman

If you are here reading this, you might be frustrated because you regularly struggle with flare-ups, inflammation, and body pains that are disrupting your life on a daily basis.

You are tired of your autoimmune symptoms ruining your days and exhausted from constantly looking for ways to help your body finally feel good again.

What you may or may not know is that your pain and discomfort have their roots in emotional experiences that your body is holding on to.



Woman Feeling Grief
lyn with her dog

But I've tried so many things...

You may have tried many things like the latest supplements or a recommended anti-inflammatory diet to resolve your pain and other physical symptoms caused by an autoimmune condition.

But if you are still struggling and in pain, the problem is that you likely haven't addressed the key role of old stuck emotions in creating these symptoms.

For the past 15 years working with clients, I have observed how our bodies are storehouses of any old emotions that we didn't fully release at the time that they occurred.

When these stuck emotions are released from your body, pain and other symptoms can shift quickly!

Because I know the power of learning how to release stuck emotions from your body, I want to teach you how to start clearing them for yourself.

That's why I created this short digital course!


In this course, you will learn:

  • how to muscle test on yourself (Bonus: this is a tool you can use for other aspects of your healing too!)
  • how to begin to identify what emotions might be stuck in different areas of your body
  • a simple, powerful, and effective way to begin releasing the stuck emotions that you find from your body 

This program will help you start to have more pain-free days and resolve other unwanted physical symptoms so that you can get back living a meaningful life again.

Client Love

"Through this training, I was able to pinpoint where pain in my hands was stemming from. Using the technique Lyn taught, the pain in my hands dissipated by 80 percent in just 15 minutes!

I am so excited to be given this tool to help alleviate some of the chronic pain of fibromyalgia."

- Pam Feathers

"Through this training, I was able to release sadness from my thyroid which had showed up on a scan last month and worry from my pancreas which affects my hypoglycemia.

The awareness of what was affecting those areas made sense with what is going on in my life. The releases allowed for calmness and spaciousness in my body. I look forward to seeing how my thyroid is on my next scan and how my blood sugar is in the coming days."

                                                                                                                      - Jade Rehder

Lyn Delmastro-Thomson

Reduce Your Symptoms by Clearing Your Stuck Digital Course

A 3-part technique to release autoimmune pain and inflammation by releasing stuck emotions so that you can enjoy being in your body again.

Investment: $27