Wood Element Season: Spring

Over the past 8 years, I have been continually fascinated by the Chinese 5 Elements system and how it provides so ways to support our bodies with the seasons of nature. There are other systems like Ayurveda that also have beautiful ways of doing this but 5 Elements theory has always drawn me.

I thought some of this information might be beneficial for you to as a way to look at how to support your body in this spring season.

So let’s dive in…

The organs associated with the Wood Element and Spring are the Liver and the Gallbladder. That means that spring is a nice time to support your body with cleansing (I always recommend gentle cleanse work and getting support from a professional on this. I’m no expert on this topic but can connect you to others as a resource. You can also add some of the foods listed at the end of this post to your diet).

The associated emotion of the Wood Element and the Liver and Gallbladder is anger so this is a powerful time to also reflect on anger in your life and to help clear old stored up anger from your body and mind. Anger in a balanced state is about movement so when we don’t let it move, that’s when we get more explosive anger that can be unpleasant or scary.

The movement energy of Wood is about expansion and growth which perfectly reflects springtime and coming back to life after winter. How can you support those energies in your life?

The taste that supports the Wood Element is sour and some foods that are beneficial to eat to support the Wood Element in the spring include: 

Leafy Greens, Lemons, Vinegars, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha, Bone Broth, Pickles, Celery, Barley, Asparagus, Beets, Lime Quinoa, Goji Berries, Basil, Sprouts, Avocado, Green Apple, Tomato, Liver, Broccoli, Leek, Lima Beans, Watercress Kale Collard Greens Artichokes, Escarole, Parsley, Cucumbers, Alfalfa, Mung Beans, Lentils, Sour Cherries, Turkey

Take a few minutes to think of ways you can easily add a little Wood Element support to your life in the next few weeks. I’d love if you share in the comments what approach you are taking to nurture this element in this season.

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