Wellness Blog

BodyTalk’s Cortices Technique

November 19, 2014 /

BodyTalk restores communication between various different parts of the body, communication which is often disrupted by the stresses of life.

By helping all parts of the body to communicate with each other more efficiently, overall health and well-being is improved.

I have personally experienced some significant shifts in my physical, emotional, and spiritual self since beginning to receive BodyTalk sessions in February 2013.

Today I’d like to share with you the basic technique that anyone can use on his or her own to begin to bring BodyTalk into your world! The technique is called tapping cortices and it is a way for you to balance the right and left hemispheres of your brain, improve brain function, release stress, anxiety, and pain and so much more. I’ve created a video for you to see exactly how this simple technique is done.

Give the technique a try and see if you notice that you feel more mental focus after doing it. Maybe you feel calmer and less stressed out. Maybe whatever was bothering you (psychologically or emotionally) feels less bothersome. Keep trying the technique at least once a day for several days and notice what happens.

What is BodyTalk?

November 19, 2014 /

So What Is BodyTalk Anyways?

BodyTalk is a consciousness based health care system that differs from the Western medical model and from many forms of energy medicine because of its focus on the importance of how ALL parts of our bodymind work together as a whole.

In the Western medical model (based on Cartesian thinking), there is a focus on the various “parts” of the system. So if something is not working properly in your body, a doctor or other practitioner will look for which part is the problem and treat that part with medication, surgery, or replacing it with an alternative part.

BodyTalk is instead based on the idea that the body is not a collection of independent parts but is instead multiple systems that interact with each other and are dependent on each other for their own functioning. This means that every single atom, cell, organ, and system in the body needs to be in constant communication with all the other atoms, cells, organs, and systems in the bodymind complex at all times. Often, stress disrupts this communication in our bodies (think about the idea of stress blowing fuses in the body as an analogy here) and BodyTalk helps to re-establish better communication (and therefore “reset the fuses”). In addition, BodyTalk takes into account the impact of things like the external environment and the patient’s relationship with family and friends on health and well-being.

How Does BodyTalk Improve Health?


Are your relationships not so harmonious?

November 18, 2014 /

Would you like to connect on a deeper level and have more harmony in your relationships?

photo courtesy freedigitalphotos.net

Many times when we are being triggered by people in our lives, it is because there is some aspect of mirroring going on. We are actually saying we don’t like something about a friend, family member, or partner that is a deeper reflection of something in ourselves that we don’t like. When we address these types of struggles and challenges in a BodyTalk session, we find deeper harmony for that aspect of ourselves that we are actually responding to in someone else and so then we find that their triggering of us disappears.

I have frequently had clients come in and describe a challenge or struggle that they are having with a family member, partner/spouse, or friend and the irritation and frustration that that situation is creating for them. Through a session with me, we can address and resolve the irritation and frustration and bring more harmony to the situation.


3 Simple Strategies to Listen to Your Inner Wisdom

November 18, 2014 /

A client of mine recently shared with me that the advice she received from her therapist significantly colored her thoughts about a guy that she had just started dating. After her therapist cautioned her to be careful with this guy because men in his profession typically were liars and cheaters, her thoughts about  and her behavior towards this new relationship were colored by this filter… ultimately resulting in a premature end to this budding relationship.

While in all honesty the caution/advice she received was probably meant to help her, it also put certain thoughts about the situation into her head. It is actually at her request that I’m writing this post today.

This general tendency to not trust yourself and your own ability to truly know what you need, who you should associate with, and how you should live your life can be at the root of a lot of stress. We have much untapped wisdom within ourselves, we just live in a “noisy” society where we receive lots of external input and forget to listen to the inner wisdom.

How many times have we been told by someone in our lives to “Be careful with people who are X” or that “Y is a sure sign that a person/situation is no good”?

While often these cautions are meant from a place of caring and trying to protect the other person, they also create blinders and filters in our minds and to some degree make us less likely to trust our own knowledge, wisdom, and inner knowing, which I don’t see as truly empowering to us. While other people may have their own wisdom, knowledge, and experience, telling other people how to live their lives and make choices based on that is often not helpful.

So how can you work with trusting your own intuition and inner knowing instead? I’d like to share 3 simple strategies for cultivating your connection to your own inner wisdom.


My Journey to Love (Part 2)

November 18, 2014 /

Earlier this year, I wrote a post sharing how BodyTalk and working through old “stuff” was instrumental in me finally finding love. Today, I’m excited to write an update to that post!

It was with great joy that my love and I announced our engagement to our families this past weekend!

courtesy freedigitalphotos.net

After having dreamed of finding deep and meaningful love for years, longing to find a partner that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and yet stressing out and fearing that it would never happen, it finally has and I am so filled with joy and happiness!

If you read my last post, you will remember that I was single for many, many years and had also spent a lot of time and energy dating without much success. The process was stressful, frustrating, and exhausting…

When BodyTalk entered my life last year, I began to consider that it could be a tremendous help to my journey to love after hearing so many successful stories of how other women were finding their loves after working with the practitioner I was receiving sessions from. I felt that I really had nothing to lose by giving it at try and for me, it worked very quickly and effectively to prepare me for love.

After meeting my guy in March of this year, I have continued to receive BodyTalk sessions to help support me in moving more and more deeply and fully into this relationship and our connection. When stress about our future and moving in together at the end of the summer surfaced, I had sessions to help me process and release what was at the root of the stress. When discussions of marriage triggered fears, again, I received more sessions to help support me. I’ve even been getting sessions to help my cat adjust to my fiance living with us… as she has had some behavioral challenges that have caused all 3 of us stress!

BodyTalk has truly helped make the transition from being single for many years to living with my now fiance a lot smoother and more relaxed than I believed it could be.

Because BodyTalk has been so powerful in my journey to love, I have become very passionate about helping other women use BodyTalk as a resource to making their love lives less stressful and more fulfilling, loving, and rewarding! I’ve created several new offerings focused on just this topic!

I’ve started offering monthly “Fizzle to Sizzle” group sessions to support women who are either currently in relationship and are feeling like they could use some support or fine tuning or those who are dating and are experiencing stress and frustration with that process.

In addition, I’m also now offering Relationship Dynamic Balancing Sessions for those currently in partnership that could use some support and Romance Matrix Sessions for ladies looking to bring more romance into their lives…. 

I look forward to supporting my fellow love goddesses on their journeys!


My Journey to Love (Part 1)

November 18, 2014 /

Let me start out this post with a confession… writing this post feels vulnerable. A year ago, I would have NEVER written a post like this and shared it on my website.

It is only through the deep healing work and growth that I have experienced through BodyTalk that you are now seeing this post! Also, gratitude goes to Brene Brown for her powerful books on vulnerability that have helped inspire me to be more vulnerable!

I have been single for quite a few years… not because I haven’t wanted a relationship but for many reasons…  Owning my own business takes a lot of energy and attention. I’m also an introvert and so going out and finding someone at times can be challenging. At times, I have also been focused on my own healing process and not on finding a partner to share my life with.

Last year, as BodyTalk entered my life, I also began to focus more on finding a romantic partner. I have gone to speed dating events, posted my profile on dating sites, and even connected with some matchmakers in town. While I went on dates last year, nothing really significant seemed to be happening.

This January I started a 4 week healing series for women with one of my favorite BodyTalk practitioners. I began to realize how there were many unhealed layers around love and relationship that were blocking me from finding someone to share my life with. I would immediately begin to close down in certain situations and, energetically, I believe the guy I was going on a date with could feel that shutting down. Through this healing series, I began to shed many old layers and beliefs about love, relationship, fears of being hurt, and began to become more comfortable in my own skin. I am more comfortable in my body and with who I am. I am also more connected to my feminine core self.

Rumi Quote
